Opening Notes & More Notes & More Notes...


Hello Members, 

It’s been so wonderful hearing from many of you while we prepare the gym for your arrival!  We thank you for your patience as we continue to work through these challenging and evolving times. 

I can honestly tell you that when Conor and I purchased the gym in October, we never anticipated that we would be navigating a global pandemic only four months later! While it has been difficult, what has remained steadfast in both of our hearts and minds is the commitment we made to you and Wendy to build community through health and wellness. Our family looks forward to ensuring your health and safety as we reopen the club doors to our clients. 

Will the club look different? What are you doing to adhere to state guidelines? How can we work out with a mask on? Is the studio open for classes? What will happen to my membership? We have fielded many of these questions over the last few days from you, and we will continue to do so! Please check out the website for additional information and FAQ regarding our COVID-19 operational procedures and protocols. The short answer is: yes, things are different now. And our operations will adjust on a day to day basis to keep up with the evolving demands of a global pandemic. 

And while so much looks and feels different, the core of the Workout Club remains the same. Your community is here for you – now more than ever – and is ready to welcome you back. 

Thanks to many wonderful members of our community, we have renovated the inside of the club in order to ensure your safety and health while working out. We can’t wait to show it off to you soon!

 Following is information regarding new club policies and procedures, how we will unfreeze and apply your membership with the many changes that have had to be made, what the club has done to prepare for your safety, and what we continue to do for the foreseeable future. 

Policies & Procedures

  • All members must wear a mask upon entering the gym and if social distancing guidelines cannot be maintained.  Specifically, masks are required unless maintaining 14’ apart while working out or 6’ if there is a physical barrier in between.

  • The club has migrated over to a new Gym Management software program, Glofox, to allow for touchless interactions. Download the app if you haven’t already!

  • Any member using the gym & cardio equipment will need to make an appointment via Glofox prior to the arrival in order to accommodate capacity restrictions.

  • Members will check in with the Front Desk and complete a verbal health check with a staff member.

  • é  All members are responsible for cleaning any equipment before and after use, and are asked to leave the used equipment in a special area for staff to sanitize – this is simply to augment thorough and continuous cleaning by staff!

  • Lockers and showers are suspended temporarily. If you have not cleaned out your locker, please contact Courtney to do so immediately. 

  • Any member exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to leave. 

  • Gym will begin operating at reduced hours to gauge member interest and activity.  As members return, hours will extend! 


  • All memberships were frozen immediately on Monday, March 16th, 2020 when we closed our doors.

  • Your membership will only unfreeze once you begin utilizing the inside of the club, begin personal training, or ask for it to be active. 

  • For all members who were current before 3/16/20: upon signing up with Glofox, please select the Legacy membership option (it is free,) so that we can begin migrating your membership expiration and credits over.

  • Gym and Cardio memberships will be business as usual – with the exception of making an appointment prior to coming in. 

  •  Full facility memberships (ie: memberships with classes included,) will have the access to gym and cardio usage (and will also need to make appointments prior to using the weight room or cardio equipment.) Edited 7/17/20: Legacy Full Facility members will receive unlimited classes.

o   All full facility members will elect to have unlimited outdoor classes (excluding spin) or virtual studio classes (via our FB Live virtual studio.)

o   Full facility legacy virtual members will receive a discount on additional outdoor classes booked.

  • Unlimited spin members will also receive 3 spin class credits/week for every week they have left on their membership. 

  • Spin card credits have been migrated over to all spin members who have joined Glofox.

 Gym/Cardio Usage

  • All members utilizing the gym or cardio equipment will need to book an appointment prior to working out. 

  • Appointments will be scheduled in 90-minute blocks followed by a 30-minute closure for club cleaning. 

  • Masks are required when social distancing cannot be maintained. 

The Club

  • The workout floor has been replaced with mats to allow for sanitization and improved impact support during workouts. 

  • Treadmills have moved into the studio so that they are 14-feet apart and can be used without masks.  This higher intensity exercise room also features a specialized UV-C Equipped Air Purifying device that will regularly circulate, clean, filter and kill contaminants like viruses.  

  • Some of the Abs and Arm Nautilus machines have been moved into the former childcare room to allow for proper spacing and focused sanitization in between usage. 

  • Much of the equipment has been rearranged to maximize space for lifting, working out, and social distancing. 

  • Eliminated the corner office to increase space around the rig. 

  • New paint! Lots and lots of paint!

  • New equipment such as: a stair climber, treadmill, GHD, keiser bikes, Concept 2 Rower, Assault Bike, women’s Rogue barbell, and more!

  • Hospital grade UVC light technology sanitization being used nightly and self-cleaning NanoTech has been installed at heavy touch points.

  • Faster and encrypted internet for your devices!

The million-dollar question…

And yes, our pricing structure will change. Much like other small businesses, as a result of the new guidelines, restrictions, and elevated overhead expenses for cleaning products, sanitization technology, and additional equipment, our entire operation is different.  Price changes will not take effect until existing memberships expire and members select one of our new options.  While the numbers may look different, what we will continue to provide is an improved and extensive level of service unparalleled by other gyms. We can guarantee that your health & wellness is and always will be our top priority.  

 We also understand that everyone is affected by COVID-19. If there is a financial situation that prohibits you from accessing your gym, please contact Colleen directly. We promise you this: we will figure it out. 

Also, we are still feeling out the ins and outs of Glofox! Thanks for your understanding – please be sure to contact Courtney or Colleen via email with any questions or concerns you have regarding your app or the use of the app. 

A zillion thanks for your patience, support, and kindness throughout the last four months. We know that because of each and every one of you: we truly will come out stronger together. 

With gratitude, 

Colleen & Conor


The Workout Club is OPEN!


Let's open: on July 14th!