Workout Club | Marshfield Gym and Fitness Club

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The Fitness Industry SHOULD Reopen

Governor Baker’s reopening plan is clearly intended as an organized and calculated approach to ensuring certain sectors of the economy open responsibly in order to protect the safety of our state. However, as a gym owner and goer, I do feel that the Governor neglected the significant role the Fitness Industry plays in the overall health and wellness of Massachusetts.

The Fitness Industry is essential to the prevention of and recovery from COVID-19 and health-related complications across the greater community. COVID-19 risks devastating the economic livelihood of the fitness industry, further complicating the health of our community. The Governor needs to reconsider opening gyms sooner than Phase 3 to not only improve the health of our community, but to prevent a larger health crisis going forward. 

Gyms provide wellness services that promote healthier lifestyles, manage chronic illnesses, boost immunity, and improve mental health. As such, gyms have the capacity to achieve sterilization, cleaning, and social distancing protocols in a very controlled environment while limiting public interactions and preventing spread of disease.  Contrary to the common misconception where gyms could become an ignition point for COVID-19 spread, a combination of safety measures and shared respect among members will create one of the safest environments for minds and bodies to grow stronger together.  In a time where the broader community is at risk for more than COVID-19 (ie: domestic abuse, alcoholism, obesity, chronic illness, etc.,) the health and wellness of our citizens needs to be prioritized outside of simply physically distancing ourselves. Gyms like The Workout Club are in a unique position to accomplish the seemingly impossible – and we are ready to do so.

  Following is detailed reasoning for why an immediate opening of the Fitness industry is necessary:

-  Gyms are essential in enhancing and sustaining mental and physical health every day, let alone in the wake of a global pandemic. The CDC says: “Active people generally live longer and are at less risk for serious health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. For people with chronic diseases, physical activity can help manage these conditions and complications.”

o   It is well-known that individuals with hypertension, Diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease are at high-risk for severe complications of COVID-19. Regular fitness activities help to prevent our communities from developing chronic disease and illness. 

o   Increased time in front of our screens has encouraged a more sedentary lifestyle for many, resulting in more at-risk factors such as obesity, lack of physical activity, depression, addiction, poor posture, and improper nutrition. 

o   Physical activity has been shown to increase immune function. 

o   Regular physical activity can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

o   The medical community is still unsure of long-term effects of disease on the organs – essential to prepare our bodies, immune functions, hearts & lungs to combat and survive this disease. 

-    Promote health and wellness through guided physical activity, strength training, and proper nutrition. 

o   Not all gyms can move to a virtual platform and provide safe, effective services. And even if they did, accountability to trainers and community-members is essential in the success of our fitness models. 

o   Social interaction with trainers and members supports mental health, sense of belonging, and responsibility to the greater community. 

-   Prevention of at-risk population is key and gyms can actively manage their environments easily. 

o   Gyms are able to most effectively control numbers of individuals entering facilities through appointments, membership policies, health protocols & assessments, and enhanced supervision. 

o   Gyms have capacity to manage sterilization, cleaning, and social distancing protocols in a very controlled environment – limiting public interactions and helping to prevent spread of disease. 

o   Safer than public parks and playgrounds where large groups of people convene – gyms can manage and track the movement and activities of their members to the benefit of the local Departments of Health.

o   COVID-19 has not been shown to be communicable through perspiration. 

-   Mental and physical safety of our community is important.

o   With domestic abuse cases up 22% in the Boston area, alone, our community members need a safe place to come in order to “get away.” Many call centers have noted a decrease in calls simply because survivors are unable to make a call/report an abuser. 

o   Alcohol sales are up 441% in Massachusetts. Apart from the correlation between drinking and aforementioned domestic abuse, heavy drinking increases the risk for hypertension, obesity, cardiac and pulmonary disease, depression, and decreased immunity. 

o   Many addicts do not have groups like AA and families don’t have Al-Anon right now in the way in which those programs were designed to operate. A community gym that practices safe social distancing protocols and strict cleaning procedures can be a safe haven for addicts, abuse survivors, and the depressed while focusing on and improving upon clients’ overall health or connecting clients to services who can properly support them during the pandemic. 

-    Economics

o   Prevention of COVID-19 health-related complications helps to alleviate future economic burden on the healthcare industry, insurance companies, and the state. 

o   Gyms took the initiative to close first given the uncertainties around COVID-19 transmission and illness without opportunity to earn income from day 1.

o   Allowing gyms to open and operate assists a large industry to begin movement towards economic independence and lessens the need for financial dependence on the government. 

o   PPP loans are not intended for the fitness industry – and without opening, we have no opportunity to use the loans on payroll costs and our fixed overhead has not changed. 

o   Without functioning loans that help to bridge the gap due to the government shut down, many health clubs are making the difficult decision to dissolve - threatening Small Businesses and forcing more unemployment claims. 

o   With gyms closing their doors for good, people will be displaced, looking for new gyms and placing the burden on existing gyms following strict social distancing guidelines to either overextend themselves or turn away community members – perpetuating a cycle of displaced, unhealthy citizens.

Thank you, as always, for your consideration and support. YOU can reach out to our local representation to let them know how you feel about reopening the fitness industry, too. Click here to contact your reps.

Should you, or anyone, have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  

Stay well and stay strong, 

Colleen Cooper