New Year, REnewed you...

Renew your mindset…

Without the 2020 you, there wouldn’t be a 2021YOU.

You know that expression: New Year, New You?

I have to admit: I can’t stand it. In fact, I will venture to boldly claim that I actually hate it.

Why? The implication is that the last year version of us is something that we shouldn’t be proud of, remember, or honor. Sure, we all make mistakes, decisions we wish we could reconsider, situations in which we would like a re-do…but we are so focused sometimes on what we could be doing better that we lose sight of all we have done really well…or worse, how to learn, rebuild, and grow from our experiences.

For example: yes, I could have focused more on my nutrition in November. BUT, I did a really good job of fitting in my workouts every week AND I really enjoyed learning how to make excellent pies with my kids. And come December, I refocused on my nutrition for the majority of the month - because, well, I really enjoyed learning how to make gingerbread houses from scratch with my kids. ;) Or, yes, 2020 was hard a business owner. But, without the challenging year, I wouldn’t have fully understood how committed I am to the mission of my business.

Sometimes, I think we just need to step away from this notion of “newness” and/or our perceived “failures,” for lack of a better word, in order to recognize, yes: mistakes are human and we are human. Yes, there are other universal pulls redirecting us on a daily basis. Yes, not everything is going to fall our way all the time. Yes: global pandemics are real. Yes, I may feel broken, but there are still pieces of me. And yes, we can regroup and resume our lives once we decide to. Resilience, pivot, reframe have all been buzz words this year…honestly: I’m sick of them all. I propose a new word for 2021….

re·new·al (/rəˈn(y)o͞oəl/): an instance of resuming an activity or state after an interruption; the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or broken.

I applaud all of us for navigating 2020 in the best way we knew how. This year has brought some unexpected challenges that have pushed us ALL out of our comfort zones - and for some, pushed us WAY into a comfort zone. For others, it is a year we wish we could forget. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, 2021 brings about an opportunity to challenge us each in new ways of approaching our current state of being - no matter where that may be currently. 2021 is a chance for renewal - remembering, resuming, or in some cases, finding what brings us joy, makes us feel alive, and what helps us move on to live fulfilled every-days. We don’t have to forget what we endured in order to heal. But we do need to have patience with ourselves. So, let’s certainly forget what it is like to be so hard on ourselves and refocus our attention on what we need to do to feel better and improve our health each and every day. Let’s pick up some of those pieces and lean on one another to feel whole again.

At the Workout Club, we are taking the opportunity for renewal very seriously - your health and wellness has always been our top priority. And overall wellness means all aspects of health: mind, body, and soul. We all need healing in some way or another and at the Club, we know we can be a solution to safely reconnecting with your fellow community members, repairing the trauma that this last year may have brought, recovering from COVID and non-COVID related health complications, reducing and mitigating health risks, recognizing the important balance between physical health and mental health, remembering that true wellness is a lifestyle journey in which your like-minded tribe can help you navigate…and most importantly: resuming your pursuit of a stronger, healthier, and happier you.

The Workout Club and your #strongertogether tribe are here to help safely support your renewal for 2021. Remember: it’s your year.


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