
Have you seen the new information released by the State of Massachusetts regarding COVID cases and clusters? Apart from cases dropping (which is great news for our frontline & essential workers,) there have been 0 cases and clusters reported in the Recreation category, which includes Gyms.

During the height of the surge, gyms remained safe. Yes, some closed in the Boston area, but many across the state still stayed open. The data further proves that gyms remain a responsible option for prioritizing health, maintaining wellness, and safely convening with your community.

In total, Gyms have not been a hot spot for COVID transmission primarily because of the safety measures we have in place. Watching your distance, washing your equipment and hands, and wearing a mask have all proven effective strategies in order for all of us to get back to our healthy lifestyle practices. We know that COVID is a horrible virus, but we know so much more than we did last year in March: like how to protect our at risk populations, better prepare ourselves, be responsible community members, and how to best treat COVID positive patients. We also know what works to prevent transmission: and gyms have proven the success of our efforts time and time again.

As so many small businesses, especially gyms, “pivot” to accommodate the evolving pandemic, it stands within reason to expect the government to “pivot” their strategy, too. With the knowledge we have now, the success we have seen in our gyms, and the declining health of our communities, it is essential to prioritize and position independently owned fitness centers as part of the solution, instead of the problem. The statistics have illustrated our safety measures are working. Other statistics also show that the general health of our community members is in jeopardy due to stress, inactivity, isolation, poor health habits, etc.. Those who have recovered from COVID also need the support and guidance to return to an active lifestyle. Gyms are able to provide these services not only at a reasonable cost, but in a safe and responsible manner…with your tribe supporting you from an appropriate social distance.

Keep up the excellent work. Support your local gyms. And please reach out to your local representation to let them know that you, too, believe #gymsareessential and #recoverystartshere.

Visit here to read more about the most recent Massachusetts State Statistics.


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