Workout Club | Marshfield Gym and Fitness Club

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Exercise to Fight Off the "Winter Blues"

As February inches closer, New Englanders brace themselves for the actual start of winter. The calendar proclaims that spring is only a mere 46 days away, but that also means 46 days of icy roads, short daylight hours, blizzard supply prep frenzies, and that pile of dirty, gray snow that you firmly believe will still be present during your Memorial Day BBQ.

Mix all of these things together to create the perfect recipe for the Winter Blues, a.k.a. why you might be feeling a little more tired, down, or just plain blah.

things you can do to fight off the winter blues:

  • Stick to a sleep routine to improve your circadian rhythm.

  • Keep your Vitamin D levels in check with supplements, light therapy, or good ‘ole fashioned sunshine.

  • Face-to face social interaction is a great mood booster. As long as driving conditions are favorable, social events are a great reason to get out of the house and into a new environment.

  • Watch a funny show or movie to boost health-protecting hormones and chemicals.

  • Exercise for 30 minutes or more each day to release stress from your body and increase endorphin levels. (Be sure to pick an exercise or activity that you enjoy doing!)

The staff and trainers at Workout Club can’t tuck you into bed on time or bribe the weatherman for a sunny forecast, but we can offer you the following help to proactively/reactively fight off your winter blues:

  • Attend one of our group classes with a friend or group of friends to sweat, chat, and laugh together!

  • Use one of our treadmills, ellipticals, or bikes while Netflix-bingeing a funny series.

  • Meet with one of our personal trainers to figure out a workout plan to fit your winter schedule.

  • Utilize our weight room to be “shovel-ready” before the first blizzard of 2020.

New to Workout Club? Check out our 16-week special!

Weight Room/Cardio $99.00
Student/Fit-N-Fifty $149.00
Full Facility $189.00

(Contact us for questions/details. Offer ends 01/31/2020.)