Eat the Rainbow During National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month

The most important aspects of self-care are usually also the most overwhelming. We know it’s important to be mindful of what we eat, but how do you figure out what is the best nutritional path for your body, budget, and lifestyle?

As awareness of food allergies, intolerances, and personal preferences continues to rise, it’s even more obvious that there is not a single answer that works for everyone, but we’d like to share three easy-to-remember tips that should be incorporated into everyone’s nutritional plan:

  1. Eat Whole Foods
    Whole foods are foods that are as close to their natural form as possible and are free from additives or other artificial substances.

  2. Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods
    In short, processed foods are the opposite of whole foods and have been altered in some way(s). Low-processed foods include items like bagged lettuce, frozen fruit, and roasted nuts. Examples of ultra-processed foods include breakfast cereals, energy drinks, white bread, and microwave popcorn.

  3. Eat the Rainbow Everyday
    The graphic below is a great visual to show why it is so important to eat an array of colors every day!

Image source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine


Looking for personalized nutrition advice?

Talk to The Workout Club’s front desk staff for
assistance to find the best nutrition path for you!

Rainbow Recipes

Photo by Running on Real Food


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